winter at

The farm

Winter at the Lavender Farm is quiet and serene.  All plants and gardens are in their slumber, but mother nature is still at work giving all her beauty unto the lavender farm.  Sometimes it is cold and other times it is a fabulous warm day.  Whether it is summer or winter the farm is beautiful there is no denying.  It is an important time for living organics to rest, restore, and prepare for yet another year to come.  

It’s always amazing to me how different the landscape changes from the quiet of winter to the prolific   blooms of summer. The transformation is truly a miracle of mother nature.

During the winter months we are busy at work caring for what has been harvested making crafts to sell in our stores and on line. We are at work making plans for our up-and-coming season.  The grounds are quiet but we are always busy busy busy at work at the farm.

Who knew winter could be so beautiful.

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